“White Night” in La Floresta

Thursday, January 16th was the first Full Moon of the year. This usually means that the folks in the town of San Fortin hold their yearly public concert on this full moon night and so they did. Even though, it was a Thursday night, the natural amphitheater was packed. My friends who live there, the ones who invited Wally and I last year, gave me a blow by blow report. My Thursday evenings are spoken for, what with my congregational meetings and Bible study. Still, Most events don’t start here until late in the evening 9:30PM and on (due to a power outage the event was delayed in starting until10:30), which meant, I could attend both the meeting and the concert. However, I had been so over heated that day from walking in the heat (my feria/ grocery morning is also on Thursdays) that after the meeting I decided to skip the concert and just go home. I was saving my energies for the next night, the 17th of January!

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