CED services
The SMED Lab is a preliminary step to the regular SMED. It can take different forms depending on the context in which the new or emerging tourist destinations, or the established or mature destinations that have a turnover of their staff, find themselves. The Reconfigura Destino initiative described below is an example of SMED Lab.
However, in all cases, the initiatives of the SMED Lab make it possible to share CED’s experience with destinations around the world which has shown that the most successful are those where the following elements are found:
The quality of leadership within the destination
Collaborative work between actors
The actors competency
The complementarity of services offered by the actors
The interdependence between the actors
The sharing of a common vision
Reconfigura Destino Initiative
In response to the call for action from UNWTO for tourism recovery in a time of crisis, the CED and its partners have launched the Reconfigura Destino initiative in 2020. The aims of this initiative are twofold: to strengthen good governance of destinations at the local level and to develop digital skills.
Reconfigura Destino takes place in two stages: (i) tourist actors in a destination at the local level are invited to respond to a free online self-assessment questionnaire (ii) all respondents are invited to attend a workshop during which the questionnaire results are presented; then, participants to the workshop vote on priorities for improvement.
The conceptual model from which the Reconfigura Destino initiative was developed is comprised of three dynamic capabilities (Sensing, Seising, Reconfiguring) and four pillars (Governance; Technology; Collaborative Innovation; New Job Opportunities).

The results provided by specialists have allowed tourism actors to carry out an analysis and prioritization of the actions to be implemented to face the effects of Covid-19.
Oscar Ordonez
President of La Paz Beni DMO

Reconfigura Destino Bogota is a very valuable exercise that allows us to have information for short and long-term decisions. It also allows us to see our destination in comparison to other world-class destinations.
Karol Fajardo
Director of the Bogota District Tourism Institute

The work done constitutes a significant contribution to our region for the country and for destinations in Latin America.
Juan Rafael Rotzinger
Coordinador Del Consejo De Desarrollo Integral De Tequila